A synopsis spells out the guts of your book. There are many different ways to approach this. Sometimes you have one mostly done. Sometimes it’s just too hard to condense. Whether you need us to craft it for you, or yours simply edited or critiqued, we have options to suit your needs.


Synopsis Critique

Sometimes all you need is a fresh set of eyes on an already written synopsis. We can read through it and point out where clarification is needed, where superfluous content can be cut, and help you refine and polish it. We will leave feedback in the form of comments on the actual synopsis, and 2-3 paragraphs of explanation about overall areas that can be improved.

1-2 page Synopsis (single spaced)

Cost: $150– Single pass
$180 – 2 passes

Full synopsis write up

In order to get this right, it’s best if we read your book before we tackle writing your synopsis. This is often done in industry standard reader reports for a quick and unbiased look at the plot progression and full story. After reading through the book we will write and deliver a 2 page synopsis.

2 page Synopsis

$190 <60k
$250 <80k
for books longer than 100k, please contact us

Supersized – just add a Synopsis

If you have already procured any type of read through from us, add a synopsis to the mix.

Cost: $100